Entries by richard


A place that knows no boundary; welcome to Limbo. Limbo is a perception altered journey of an old lady living in her manor; her mind escaping her as she tries to grasp ‘what is real?’, she reminisces on her past, her loved and her lost.  Struggling to differ from a dream, she finds help in […]


Since ‘Sucker’ was released by the Jonas Brothers I have listened to this everyday – its got a great beat, it makes me want to move and I just fell in love with the lyrics.  When I fall for songs like this, I start manipulating them for fun and see if I can completely turn […]

New site, new music added

Welcome to my brand new website. I’m in the process of uploading my catalogue of music, starting with my vocal recordings. You can now listen on my work with Asian Envy and the amazing Funk Buddies, with their recording for Society the Show. Much more content is on its way.